Revolutionise Your Financial Management with TechStorm’s Cloud Accounting Solutions

Cloud-based accounting services have transformed the way businesses manage their finances. They offer the same robust functionality as traditional desktop accounting software but with enhanced accessibility and flexibility. Unlike desktop applications, cloud accounting solutions run on remote servers and are accessed via a web browser, providing significant advantages in availability and ease of use.

Understanding Cloud Accounting Formats

Hosted applications

Hosted accounting solutions allow you to maintain your current desktop or client/server accounting software but with the added benefit of remote access. Your existing software and data are hosted on a remote server, accessible through an internet connection. This setup provides familiarity with your traditional software environment and the flexibility to work from anywhere.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS accounting solutions offer a fully cloud-native experience, with your accounting software and data stored on the vendor’s servers. Access these services through a web browser from any device, ensuring that your financial data is always at your fingertips. If you’ve ever used online banking or social media, you’re already familiar with how SaaS works.

Cloud-based accounting software now offers all the reliability and functionality of desktop systems and the added benefits that only online technology can provide. These include automatic updates, enhanced security, and the ability to scale with your business needs.

Our Cloud-Based Accounting Services

Accounting Setup for Your Business
Training for your team
Free Cloud Accounting Software
Accounting Backlog update & Reconstruction
Add on integrations
Data Entry & Bookkeeping
VAT Implementation, VAT Return Filling Assistance
Inventory Management
Financial Reporting
MIS Reports
Accounting Internal Review
Internal Control Assistance
Internal External Audit

Why Choose TechStorm for Cloud-Based Accounting?

TechStorm’s cloud-based accounting services offer a modern, flexible solution for managing your business finances. Moving to the cloud allows you to access your accounting software from anywhere, enhance collaboration, and ensure your financial data is secure and up-to-date. Whether you’re looking to transition from desktop software or optimise your existing cloud accounting system, TechStorm provides the expertise and support you need to succeed.